Credit Card Abuse
Experienced Criminal Defense in Brazoria, Ft. Bend, Galveston, Harris & Montgomery Counties
Credit card abuse charges are not taken lightly in Texas. Using a credit card without proper authority is unlawful no matter what it is used for, or how much is purchased with it. If you have been accused of a credit card related offense, you need a Houston Credit Card Abuse attorney who is intimately familiar with how these charges are investigated and prosecuted.
The Law Office of Greg Tsioros can successfully defend persons accused of any type of credit card abuse, including:
- Use of a found credit card
- Distributing information from a found credit card
- Credit card theft and subsequent use of the card
- Use a stolen or invalid credit card in order to purchase items above the value of $1500
- Credit card theft with a value of over $20,000
In Texas, the law is especially harsh on those who are convicted of credit card abuse, theft and fraud. Penalties for credit card abuse offenses range from probation, fines, and restitution to possible life imprisonment. Having a permanent criminal conviction can have negative effects on employment, education, residential status, and your reputation. The severity of the charges leveled against a person is dependent upon the manner in which the card was obtained, how it was utilized, and the value of the items that was purchased.
With these severe penalties in mind, it is imperative for anyone who is accused of this type of crime to contact an aggressive credit card abuse lawyer as soon as possible. The Houston Law Office of Greg Tsioros has the training, knowledge, and experience that you need in your corner to effectively defend you. Our staff can utilize a variety of available defenses to protect your rights. Contact our office immediately to find out more about how we can help you.